Reviewing your Will and Powers of Attorney

3 April 2020
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3 April 2020, Comments 0

Reviewing your Will and Powers of Attorney. For good estate planning you should review your will and Power of Attorney at least every 5 years and more often if there is a major change in your life. That being a death or birth of a family member or of an executor, and definitely if you get married.   Once you marry your will is void unless you State that your will is made in contemplation of the marriage to a named person. Furthermore you cannot cut a spouse out of what that spouse is entitle to under the Family Law Act unless it is specified in a marriage contract.  Covid-19 has made a lot of people do that review because of the pandemic we now face, they should review their wills and power of attorneys to make sure they are current and up to date. If you have a will and power of attorney with my office, a review is no charge if no changes are made but the review can give you peace of mind.

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